The Implementation of Learning Model Discovery Learning Accompanied by Quiz in Mathematics Learning for Grade VIII Students of SMPN 32 Padang,


  • . Husnaina
  • . Khairudin
  • Fazri Zuzano


The low mathematics learning outcomes of grade VIII students of SMPN 32 Padang, became the background of this thesis. Students tend to be passive, and students do not participate in the teaching, and learning process. The Learning Model of Discovery Learning Accompanied by Quiz in Mathematics Learning, one of the ways that can be used to overcome this problem.


The experimental research is used by researchers. The population of this study was grade VIII students of SMPN 32 Padang in the academic year of 2017/2018 except class VIII1. Class VIII2 is used as a control class and the experimental class is carried out in VIII3.


Quiz test data was obtained in each meeting and carried out at the end of each learning class in the experimental class, the Quiz test results experienced ups and downs. The final test given to the two sample classes obtained data on students' mathematics learning outcomes. For testing the hypothesis used t test with a 95% confidence level obtained t _ ((0.95.53)) = 1.674. From the calculation, it is obtained that t count> t _ ((0.95,53)) is 1,867> 1,674 then H_0 :μ_1 = μ_2 is rejected or Hypothesis H_1: μ_1> μ_2 is accepted.


Obtained, the learning outcomes of the Discovery Learning Model with Quiz are better than the results of ordinary learning. From the results of the research, the researcher suggested to the subject teachers that they could use the Discovery Learning Model with Quiz, in order to improve learning outcomes.


Key Word: discovery learning, quiz, learning results.


