The Implementation of Active Learning Strategy Type Quiz Team Accompanied by Giving Reward in Mathematics Learning for Grade VIII Students of SMPN 27 Padang


  • Rofiah Fitri
  • Fazri Zuzano
  • Syukma Netti


This research was motivated by the lack of activity of students in the learning process and the low mathematics learning outcomes of students, the effort that can be done was by applying the type active learning strategy Quiz Team accompanied by giving rewards.

Research conducted in the type of experiment. Grade VIII at SMPN 27 Padang was the population taken in this study consisting of eight classes. The sample class was taken randomly, so that the experimental class was VIII.6 and the control class was VIII.4.

Based on data analysis on student activity, it was found that student activity tends to increase from the first meeting to the fifth meeting, while the learning outcomes used t-test with α = 0,05. The calculation obtained is t '= 5,23 and   = 2,06. Because the value of t' was not in the reception area H0 ie or -2,06 <5,23 <2,06 means reject H0 and accept H1,then the conclusion obtained was the result of the implementation of student learning was active learning strategies the type Quiz Team along with of reward was better than student learning outcomes its implementation was ordinary learning in grade VIII students of SMPN 27 Padang.

Based on the research that the researchers did, the researchers suggested that the mathematics teacher apply the type active learning strategy Quiz Team accompanied by the provision of rewards as an effort for learning outcomes and student learning activities to be increased in mathematics learning.

Keywords: Quiz Team, Reward, Activity and Learning Outcomes


