The Application of the Gallery Walk Innovative Learning Technique Accompanied by Quiz on Mathematics Learning of Seventh Grade Students at Junior High School Pertiwi 1 Padang


  • Vivi Oktaviani
  • Rita Desfitri
  • . Niniwati


The low mathematics learning outcomes of students in class VII Pertiwi 1 Padang were caused by a lack of students' confidence in expressing their opinions and asking questions when learning mathematics, as well as students being passive during discussions. The solution provided is to implement innovative application of gallery walk techniques along with a quiz on mathematics learning.

This research is an experimental type. Class VII students of SMP Pertiwi 1 Padang in the academic year 2017/2018 became population in this study. Class VII.1 is made into experimental class and class VII.3 is control class. A final test consisting of 6 items of description is given in both sample classes to obtain data.

To test the hypothesis, the t-test is used at the level of α = 0.05. From the calculation results obtained  = 11.26 while = 1.6745 then         > , so the hypothesis is accepted.

The conclusions obtained are students 'mathematics learning outcomes that apply innovative learning to the gallery walk technique accompanied by quizzes better than students' mathematics learning outcomes that apply ordinary learning to students of class VII Pertiwi 1 Padang.


Keywords: Application, Learning, Innovative, Gallery Walk, quiz, Mathematics


