Implementation Of Interactive Strategies For Mind Mapping In Biological Learning Of Class X Students Of SMAN 1 Pagai Utara Selatan.


  • . Lasmawati
  • . Gusmaweti
  • Rona Taula Sari


The background of this study is the less attractive method used by the teacher when teaching. Although the teacher has used the lecture method and discussion method, there are still many students who are less interested in studying biology, because of the assumption that biology is memorized. Based on the author's interviews with SMA Negeri 1 Pagai Utara Selatan (January, 2018), in biology learning revealed that the learning method that is done by the teacher is less able to develop creativity, ideas, ideas and abilities of students, thus making students bored to learn. The amount of memorization in biology learning causes many students to be lazy to learn. Students tend to only do assignments given by the teacher so that they affect the low learning outcomes of students biology.

               This type of research is experimental research. The population in this study is class X IPA as many as 3 classes, the determination of the sample class is done by purposive sampling method. To determine the experimental and control classes are done randomly, so that the experimental class is X IPA3 and X IPA2 control class. The type of data needed is primary data obtained from student learning outcomes after conducting the final research test. Data were analyzed using normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test.               The results of this study indicate that the average value of the cognitive domain 80.16 experimental class and control class 70.83. Obtained t_ (count)> t_ (table) (5.09> 1.68) then the hypothesis H1 is accepted at the level (α = 0.05). Affective domain learning outcomes average experimental class value 86 with excellent predicate and 77.5 control class with good predicate.               It can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes by using the application of interactive Mind Mapping strategies in biology learning for class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Pagai Utara Selatan. It is expected for researchers to be able to apply the interactive strategy of Mind Mapping in the learning of student biology as an alternative in improving students 'thinking, cooperation between students and students' abilities.  Keywords: Mind Mapping Interactive Strategy, learning outcomes and affective


