The Relationship Betwen Abdominal Muscle Strength and Leg Muscle Explosion Power Againts Ability of SSB Balai Baru (BBC) football School Athletes in Padang City


  • Ashari . Fauzi
  • Afrizal . .
  • Lucy . Oktavani


Executive Summary
Ashari, Fauzi 2018 The Relationship Betwen Abdominal Muscle Strength and
Leg Muscle Explosion Power Againts Ability of SSB Balai Baru
(BBC) football School Athletes in Padang City
Advisors : 1. Drs. Afrizal S , M.Pd
2. Lucy Oktavani, S.Pd. M. Pd
This research originated from observations that the authors met on the
ground, researchers were interested in proving scientifically about the relationship
between Abdominal Muscle Strength and Leg Muscle Explosive Power. The purpos e
of this study was to find out the data about the relationship between the two aspects
of the physical condition and how much the relationship with the results of the
Heading of the soccer school athletes at the Balai Baru Club (BBC) Kuranji
Subdistrict, Padang City.
This type of research is correlational with the population of soccer athletes
at the Balai Baru Club (BBC) Kuranji Subdistrict in Padang City totaling 24 people.
Sampling using Total Sampling. Data were taken with measurements of Abdominal
Muscle Strength (X1), Leg muscle explosive power (X2) and Heading (Y) ability.
The data that has been obtained is analyzed by Product Moment (single) and double
correlation, at 0.05α significance level.
Based on the analysis of the discussion it can be concluded that there is a
significant, Abdominal Muscle Strength with Heading ability with the value obtained
rtab = 0.404 means that <r count (0.443), Leg muscle explosive power does not have
a significant relationship with Heading ability with rtab value = 0.404 means rhitung
(-0.270)> rtab (0.404), Abdominal Muscle Strength and Leg Muscle Explosion Power
have a significant relationship with the ability of athlete's Heading for the Baru New
Football School Club (BBC) Kuranji District Padang City Test F Fh = (3, 47) Ftab (α
= 0 05) = 3.44.
To next researcher it is expected that the trainers of the Balai Baru Football
School (BBC) in the Kuranji District of Padang City will be able to provide training
materials and programs that are in line with the intensity and capacity of the Athlete.
Which aims to improve the ability of Heading, it is necessary to increase the training
regarding the strength of the abdominal muscles and the explosive power of the leg


