Strukturdan Nilai Budaya Novel Hidupadalah Perjuangan Azwar Sutan Malaka
The novel HidupadalahPerjuangan written by AzwarSutanMalaka is one of the novels that present the problems of victims from the strong influence of matriarchy (mothers’ line of descent), where men do not become heirs of the wealth of their clan. This research aims to describe: (a) intrinsic structure in the novel HidupadalahPerjuangan by AzwarSutanMalaka and (b) the cultural value in the novel HidupadalahPerjuangan by AzwarSutanMalaka.
Several theories were used in this research. According to Stanton (in Nurgiantoro, 2013: 117), the intrinsic element of the novel consists of theme and massage, setting, plot, character and characterization, point of view, and style of language. According to Kluckhon (in Koentjaraningrat, 2009: 154) each system of cultural values in each culture contains five basic problems that form the basis for the framework of variations in the system of cultural values are the nature of human life, the nature of human work, the nature of human relations with time, the nature of human beings with nature and the nature of human life with others
This type of research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive method. The research data are words or sentences relating to the structure of intrinsic and cultural values in the novel HidupAdalahPerjuangan by AzwarSutanMalaka. Data collection is done by reading and note-taking techniques. The steps used in analyzing the data are as follows (1) analyzing all data that has been grouped according to the aspects researched, (2) describing the structure and values of culture in the novel HidupadalahPerjuanganby AzwarSutanMalaka, (3) drawing conclusions from the results of the research
Based on the results of the research of the novel HidupadalahPerjuangan, by AzwarSutanMalaka,it is found the following.The first intrinsic structure which includes (1) the theme is the struggle of a Minangkabau man in defending inheritance (2) the main character is Alif (3) the plot of the novel is mixeld plot, (4) the background in the novel consists of the setting of the place: Kota Dermaga, NegeriPurnama and MenaraWaktu, the setting of time are night time and daytime, and the setting of the atmosphere: disappointed, sad, happy, restless and tense. The second is aspects of cultural values which consist of (a) the nature of human life, in it is found a bad life, a good life and a bad life but humans try to be better, (b) the nature of human work, assuming that the work is for a living, (c) the nature of human relationship with time, consists of three, namely the time of the present, past, and future, (d) the nature of human beings with the natural environment, it is seen in the eyes of the search for villagers in the novel using nature to make a living, (e) the nature of human life with fellow which includes humans as social beings.
Keywords: Structure, Cultural Values, HidupadalahPerjuangan Novel