Community Language Politeness Tourism Area Pantai Arta Sungai Limau District Padang Pariaman District Against Visitors
Arta Beach is one of the tourism objects owned by Padang Pariaman Regency.Regarding interaction, there is certainly communication between visitors and the community of the tourist area PantaiArta, Sungai Limau District, Padang Pariaman Regency.Less polite language is usually done by those of the same age, because according to them is a form of familiarity.From the results of preliminary observations found inappropriate speech acts. Based on this phenomenon, researchers are interested in examining "Community Language Politics in the Tourism Area of Pantai Arta, Sungai Limau Subdistrict, Padang Pariaman District Against Visitors".
Chaer (2010:56-62) citing the opinion of Leech stated politeness theory based on politeness principles which is translated into maxims (speech provisions), namely: (1) Maksim wisdom, (2) maximization of acceptance, (3) maxim of generosity, (4) maxim of humility, (5) maxim of compatibility(6) maxim of loneliness.
The type of research used is qualitative research, the object of the study is the Arta Beach tourist area and visitors to Arta Beach, while the data is taken from the speech acts of the people of Pantai Arta area to visitors.Data validation testing techniques used are triangulation techniques.
Transcription results amounted to as many as 68. This research data is in the form of politeness used by the people of Pantai Arta tourism area to visitors. Numbering done in analyzing data is done sequentially.Researchers use the principle of politeness as much as six maxims, namely maxims of wisdom, maxim of acceptance, maxim of mercy, maxim of humility, maxim of fit, maxim of conclusions.
Based on the results of the research and data analysis, it can be concluded that only 5 forms of maxims found namely Maksim wisdom has the most speech, 52 speeches, 47 polite speeches and 5 no utterances. The admission staff has 3 utterances, all of which are categorized as polite.Maksim humility has 3 utterances and all of them are polite. Maximum match has 12 utterances, 10 polite speeches and 2 polite speeches. Then the last is the maxim of conciliation, 1 utterance is classified as polite.
Keywords: language politeness, speech acts, speech maxims