The Effect of Cross Country Exercise and Extensive Interval Against VO2Max Ability of Sikabau Dharmasraya Players


  • Adi Firman
  • Eddy Marheni
  • Apriyanti Rahmalia


The problem in this study was the low ability of VO2Max SSB SikabauDharmasraya players. There are several forms of training to improve VO2Max abilities, including through cross-country exercises and extensive intervals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cross-country training and extensive intervals on VO2Max ability of SikabauDharmasraya players. VO2 Max isthemaximumoxygen volume thatcanbeused per minute.VO2 Max is the maximum oxygen volume that can be used per minute. According to Thoden in Suranto's module (2008: 118) VO2 Max is the maximum aerobic capture power describing the maximum amount of oxygen consumed per unit of time by a person during training or tests with exercises that get heavier until fatigue, the size is called VO2 max. According to Nossek (1982: 77), to increase endurance, can do a variety of exercises using cross country, namely exercises that run from a low place to a higher place or can be done in the wild like a settlement or can also be done in trajectories that have slopes and derivatives. According to Suharno (1996: 16) Extensive interval training is a form of exercise that is used to increase endurance.

This type of research is included into quasi experiment research. sampling technique using total sampling technique.Analysis with t-test.The sample of research taken Sikabau SSB player Dharmasraya Regency, which amounted to 20. The first and second hypotheses were tested by the t-formula, the third hypothesis was tested by the indepedence formula. Prior to analysis, the first test requirements analysis, namely normality test and linearity test.

To know the significant data available then t-test is used. The significant test criterion is tcount > ttable. For the Cross-country training has an effect on VO2Max ability of Sikabau SSB players in Dharmasraya Regency. The results of the hypothesis show that t-count (2,612)> - table (1,833). For the Interval training influences VO2Max ability of Sikabau SSB players in Dharmasraya District. Hypothesis results show that t count (1,865)> t table (1,833). To find out the difference between training using the cross-country training and extensive intervals of VO2Max ability of Sikabau SSB players in Dharmasraya Regency. Hypothesis results show that t count (0.118) <t table (1,729).

From the results of the hypothesis and discussion of the results of the study, one and two hypotheses, there is a significant effect between the two training models, while the third hypothesis has no significant effect, H0 accept Ha is rejected, t-count 0.118 <t-table 1.729.





