The application Cooperative learning Model Jigsaw Type and Investigation Group (GI) toward Biology subject of X MIPA at SMAN 1 Nan Sabaris regency Padang Pariaman. Thesis.Biology Education Department.Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Bung Hatta


  • Cifi Hamdani
  • Azrita .
  • Gusmaweti .


The background of this research is the students' comprehend of the material is still low. The learning process is still centered on the teacher or only one direction, the learning model is used by the teacher is still conventional intervention and interspersed with the STAD cooperative learning model at several meetings. From the data that the writer’sget from biology subject at X MIPA SMAN 1 Nan Sabaris is 57. It proves that the average daily test scores of 2017/2018 school year students are still low. According to the Minimum completeness criteria, the average value each class has not yet reached the KKM, the low biological value is inseparable from the teacher's role as one of the determinants of success in the learning process. This study aims to analyze the differences in biology learning outcomes by applying the Jigsaw Cooperative learning model and the Investigation Group in class X MIPA SMAN 1 Nan Sabaris, district of Padang Pariaman.

            This research was experimental research with the research design of Two Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population in this study were all class X students of SMAN 1 Nan Sabaris Academic Year 2017/2018, totaling 101 people. Collect has been by purposive sampling technique, then random extraction is done and selected class X.2 as experimental class I and X.3 as experimental class II. Knowledge competency assessment, to test hypotheses on knowledge competency assessment, data analysis is conducted. In the data analysis there will be a normality test, homogeneity test, hypothesis test, and N-Gain.

Keywords :Cooperative learning model, Jigsaw, Investigation Group, learning outcomes



            The result of this research indicates that the average scor of student’s learn in experimen class I is 87,52 and experimen II is 88,67  in the experimental class II with the N-gain index experimental class I (0.77) in the experimental class II (0.78) with the same height criteria. The affective grade of experimental class I (3.55) lower than the average value of the experimental class II (3.60) both have good criteria, the data in this study are primary data in the form of final test results then processed by hypothesis testing. From the analysis of the data, the price of thitung is compared with ttabelwith dk n1 + n2– 2 = 33 + 36 - 2 = 67 with the level α= 0,05obtained ttabel=1.668 and thitung= 0.5639, this means thitung< ttabelthus H0 accepted and H1 rejected, it can be concluded that there is no difference in biology learning outcomes between the Cooperative Type Jigsaw learning model and the InvestigationGroup Type on the learning outcomes of the X MIPA students in the Even Biology semester at SMAN 1 Nan Sabaris, district of Padang Pariaman. Suggestion of this research is still limited to ecological material, so it is expected that there will be further research on other material with different samples with the researcher first having to determine the group before carrying out the learning process.

Keywords :Cooperative learning model, Jigsaw, Investigation Group, learning outcomes



