Effect of the Application of Cooperative Learning Models of Take And Give Type on Learning Outcomes IPS of Class III Students in SD Negeri 11 Kurao Pagang Padang
One way to obtain education, can be achieved through the learning process. Social Sciences Learning is one of the lessons taught to students in elementary schools. Sapriya (2014: 20) says the term IPS in Elementary School is "The name of independent subjects as an integration of a number of concepts in the discipline of Social Sciences, Humanities, Science and even various issues in social issues of life". Based on observations and interviews in SD Negeri 11 KuraoPagang, information was obtained that while teaching the teacher still using conventional methods, namely using the lecture and question and answer method, the student's lack of active learning process and when doing assignments that caused low student learning outcomes. The efforts made by researchers in overcoming these problems were to apply the Cooperative Type Take and Give learning model in the social studies learning process.
This type of research is experimental research. The design of this study is True-Experimental Design with the Posttest-Only Control Design pattern. The population in this study were all third grade students of SD Negeri 11 KuraoPagang Padang consisting of 2 classes. The sampling technique in this study was carried out by random sampling, so that class III A was obtained as the experimental class and class III B as the control class. The data needed in this study are quantitative data taken from student learning outcomes after being given a test at the end of the study.
Results Testing of hypotheses using the t-test at the real level α = 0.05 indicates that the tcount (2.06) is higher than t table (1.68). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (H1) in this study was accepted and H0 was rejected.
Based on the results of the research obtained, it can be concluded that there is an effect of Cooperative Learning Type Type Take and Give model on social studies learning outcomes of class III students at KuraoPagang Public Elementary School Padang, so that the model can be applied to give a better influence on student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Social Studies Learning, Cooperative Learning, Take and Give, Learning