Teachers’ Speech Actsduring Indonesian Language Learning Process in Grade IX of SMPNegeri34 in Wanareja Village, Rimbo Ulu Sub-district, District of Tebo, Jambi Province


  • Yuni Khoiriah
  • Marsis .
  • Dainur Putri


Speech act is an individual symptom, psychological in nature, and its continuity is determined by the speaker's language ability in dealing with certain situations (Chaer and Agustina, 2014: 50). In the practice of using language, there are three kinds of speech acts, namely, locus, illocutionary, and per-locution speech acts. The Illocutionary speech acts are divided into five types, namely assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, expressive speech acts, commission speech acts, and declaration speech acts (Rahardi, 2005: 21).


This study aims to describe the form of speech acts, specifically the illocutionary speech acts by Indonesian language teachers in class IX at SMP Negeri34 in Wanareja Village, RimboUluSub-district, District of Tebo, Jambi Province. There are several stages of data analysis technique in this study, namely (1) classifying the overall form of speech acts of Indonesian language teachers in class IX during the learning process, (2) outlining the illocutionary speech act, (3) interpreting the data, (4) concluding the results of data analysis.


Based on the results of discussion data analysis, it is found that first, in assertive speech acts there were 42 data which include40 assertive, 1 suggesting, and 1 complaining data.Second, in directive speech acts there were 30 data which include 26 directives, 1 advice, and 3 recommendations. Third, in expressive speech acts, there were 3 data which include 1expressive thanking, 1 correcting, and 1 praising. Fourth, in a commission speech act, there was1 data, which is commission action to offer something. Fifth, the declaration speech act was not found.


The conclusion of this study is that: (1) the form of speech acts that are more frequently used is a form of assertive stating speech acts, (2) while the less frequently used speech acts is a form of commission speech act during the learning process.


Keywords: Pragmatics, Speech Acts, Indonesian Language Teachers.


