Relationship Between Leg Muscle ExplosivePower and Ankle Coordination with Soccer Shooting Ability on The Player of Muspan Soccer School Padang.
Based on sport law system number 3 of 2005, achievement sports is to foster and develop the sports based on planned management and tier competition with the support of sport science and sport technology. Soccer is one kind of achievement sports which is favoured by the people and has a massive reputation all over the world. There are so many techniques involve in soccer. One of the most important basic technique is shooting ability. Shooting ability still becomes a problem for many soccer player no exception for the soccer player of Muspan Soccer School in Padang. Therefore, the researcher conducted this study to investigate the relationship between shooting ability with several factor influencing, on this case are leg muscle explosive power and ankle coordination.
The population of study is a soccer player at Muspen Soccer School with the number of sample is 30 player. The sampling method for this study is total sampling where all of the population becomes sample of the study. The data collecting for the each variable use a different measurement test. Leg muscle explosive power (X1) tested using standing broad jump, ankle coordination (X2) tested using ankle coordination test and shooting ability tested using shooting ability test (Y). the data analyze using product moment correlation and multiple correlation.
The result of analysis shows (1) the significant correlation between leg muscle explosive power and shooting ability with rhitung= 0,422>rtabel 0,361, (2) the significant correlation between ankle coordination and shooting ability with rhitung=0,423>rtabel 0,361, (3) the significant simultant correlation between leg mucle explosive power and ankle coordination with shooting ability. The result of multiple correlation test showrhitung = 0,510 >rtabel 0,361.
In line with the finding of the study, the leg muscle explosive power and ankle coordination have an influence to the shooting ability of soccer player. Therefore, every soccer player must possess good basic technique such as leg muscle explosive power and ankle coordination in order to get a good shooting ability.
Keywords : Leg Muscle Explosive Power, Ankle Coordination, Shooting Ability