
  • Reni . Siska
  • Erman . Har
  • Zulfa . Amrina


Executive Summary
Wahyugi, Rahmad. 2019. Development Of Macromedia Flash Based Science
Learning Media In Class V Negeri 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam Minithesis of
Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, Bung Hatta University.
Advisor: Dr. Erman Har. M.Si
Dra. Zulfa Amrina, M.Pd
In the 21st century learning teachers need to be creative and innovative in
developing the rules of integration by using computers in learning activities. That
way it can make active, creative, innovative and fun learning, so as to create a
multiinteraction, both between the teacher and students, students with teachers
and students with students. Based on observations made at SDN 20 Dadok
Tunggul Hitam, schools have provided facilities and infrastructure in the form of
one computer and one infokus, however, the facilities and infrastructure have not
yet been oppressed by the teacher so that the learning atmosphere is less attractive
and interesting imagine for students. The efforts made by researchers in
overcoming these problems are by developing macromedia flash 8 based learning
media in the learning process.
This type of research is development research using the ADDIE development model. The subjects of the trial in this study were lecturers consisting of
material experts, multimedia experts, language experts, grade IV teachers of SDN
06 Balai Badak and students of grade V SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam,
amounting to 17 people. The type of data taken in this study is primary data. The
primary data, namely (1) validation scores of experts consisting of experts in
Pancasila and citizenship education materials, multimedia experts, and language
experts, (2) score questionnaire responses by teachers, (3) score questionnaire
responses by students, (4 ) analysis of pre-test and post-test results.
The results showed that the developed learning media was declared very
valid by material experts with a percentage of 93%, from multimedia experts
declared valid with a percentage of 89%, from language experts stated to be quite
valid with a percentage of 67%, from the teacher stated very practical with a
percentage of 97.5% and from the students it was stated to be very practical with a
percentage of 91.8% and the media declared effective were seen by t-test the
students' pre-test and post-test results. Based on the calculation results obtained t
table = 2.036 and t count = 2.36. Because t count> t table where 2.36> 2.036 then
H0 is rejected and H
is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that the development of Macromedia
Flash 8 based IPA learning media has proven to be valid, practical and effective.
So that this learning media can be applied and used to achieve optimal IPA
learning outcomes at school.
Keywords: IPA Learning, Media, Macromedia Flash 8.


