Relations Between The Power Of Explosive Muscle Leg And Agility With Lay-Up Skills Shoot Basketball StudentsClass X Kabupaten Padang Parimaan.
Executive Summary
Zulfadli. 2019.Relations Between The Power Of Explosive Muscle Leg And Agility With Lay-Up Skills Shoot Basketball StudentsClass X Kabupaten Padang Parimaan.
Advisors : Prof. Dr. Eddy Marheni. M.Pd.
:,S.Pd, M.Pd
The idea of basketball is to put the ball into a basket in support of theability to lay up shoot. The lay up is a shot that is done close up to the ring, it is as if the ball were put in the basket after which it was moved two steps (Ahmadi 2007:19). Basketball sports are a factor in the physical condition that is the most dominant of the basic preparations. Warhead's a combination of strength and speed (Syafruddin, 2011:73). Agility is the ability to change the direction of the body so quickly that it can do with all the other movements (Widiastuti, 2017:137).
The population in this research is astudents class X of SMAN VII Koto Sungai Sariak Padang Pariaman a total of 115 students. The number of sample was 53 students selected using stratified random sampling technique. The data of this research were collected by using three kinds of instruments; vertical jump, agility t-test, andlay up shoot. It's a coalition using normality tests, , filing hypotheseswith simple correlation and double correlation.
The result of the Hypothesis test shown: (1) The explosive power of the leg muscle has significant connection with skill lay up shoot of students class X of SMAN VII Koto Sungai Sariak Padang Pariaman the result is t hit=2,23 t tab=2,00 (2) The result of agility test shown: Insignificant agility with skill lay up shoot of first year of students of SMAN VII Koto Sungai Sariak Padang Pariaman the result is t hit=1,92>t tab=2,00 (3)leg power explosive muscle and agility in the together have significant connection with skill lay up shoot students class X of SMAN VII Koto Sungai Sariak Padang Pariaman the result is Fhitung(3.38)>Ftabel(1.60), and then H0 rejected Ha recevied.
From the result hypothesis and research. Hypotheses one and three contain significant lay up shoot skills, and then Ha be accepted H0 rejected, Hypothesis two is not found significant by skill, and then Ha rejected H0 recevied
Key Word:: Explosion Power of Leg Muscle, Agility, Lay Up Shoot