The development of instructional media based on android for the subject human interaction and computer at computer and informatic engineering


  • Andi Iswanto
  • Karmila Suryani
  • Iga Setia Utami


This research was aimed to generate the instructional media based on android that is effective for the subject human interaction and computer. The method of this research ware Research and Development (R&D). The procedure media development beginning from analysis necessity with the steps collection potential and the problem in the field, before that for the first design the product made storyboard. To make the product reliable, the researcher did product validation there were two scorers to check taking the data. The data did with the practicality and effectiveness. The result of the research found out the product was valid with the average 86%, practically 89,58% and effective 80%. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that instructional media based on android android used adobe flash cs6 ware valid, practical and effective so it can help the students to understand the subject human interaction and computer.

Keywords: Instructional Media, Android, Human Interaction and Computer.


