Development of Object Oriented Programming Theory Module Based on Problem Based Intruction for PT Hatta University Department of Education
This study aims to develop and produce problem based instruction based learning modules for students majoring in Informatics and Computer Education at Bung Hatta University. Type of development research using Research and Development (R & D). The procedure for developing this module begins with an analysis of needs with the steps to collect potential and problems in the field, product design by first making a cover. The product feasibility testing phase is carried out by product validation by two expert experts. Data retrieval is done by testing the practicality and validity of the product. The results showed that the product was declared valid with an average of 88% and practically 84%. This study can be concluded that an object-based problem based instruction-based programming module has been produced so that it can assist students in understanding object-oriented programming material.
Keywords: Development, Learning Module, Problem Based Instruction (PBI)