Development of Course Modules for Algorithms and Programming Based on Problem Based Learning in Education and Information Technology Study Program at Bung Hatta University
This study aims to produce valid and practical Subject Module Algorithms and Programming Based on Problem Based Learning, for learning Algorithms and Programming. This type of research is development research using the R & D model, with steps to collect potential and problems in the field, gather information, design products. After the product is designed, the product is validated. This product was validated by 2 material expert validators with 83.20% results and media expert validators with 87.36% results. After validation, a trial was conducted by using a practical questionnaire for students of Bung Hatta University of Informatics and Computer Education with a yield of 91.60%. This study can be concluded that a subject module based learning algorithm and programming that has been valitic and practical has been produced so that it can help students understand the material of the algorithm and recording
Keywords : Development of Learning Modules, Student Response, Algorithm and Programming Courses.