Development of Mixed Calculations Operation Module Based on Realistic Mathematic Education Class VI SDN 04 IX Korong Solok City
Mathematics is a subject that uses logic and concrete formulas. This is because the science and mathematical formulas used are definite sciences and foormulas so that the concept allows student to think rationally. Mathematics is a subject that is often associated with the real world or everyday life, so the Realistic Matematic Education (RME) approach is also very suitable for math subjects. Even one of the learning resources that helps students in applying the concepts they have learned is by using modules based on Realistic Mathematic Education (RME). To overcome the above problems the teacher can use the Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach on Mathematic subjects in the VI class of SDN 04 IX Korong, Solok City. Based on this, the author conducted a research development with the title”Development of Class VI Mixed Calculating Operation module SDN 04 IX Korong, Solok City”.The research development model is a 3-D development model (three D) consisting of three stages and through revisions by experts/practitioners. According to Sari (2017) the stages are : defining, designing (developimg), and developing. V in Class VI there were 24 students, 9 female student and 13 male student,. After the presentation of module material by the teacher, student and teachers fiull out a questionnaire according to the module’s practicality.
The resuls of this study indicate the average value of material expert and media expert validation by lecturers, with an average of 3,63 and a percentage of 91% with very valid categories. Practical values by teacher with an average of 3,60 and s percentage of 90% with very practical categories. Then the practical value by students with an average of 3,30 in the practical category.
From the data above it can be concluded that the Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach is very valid, practical, and very practical for student of class VI SDN 04 IX korong, Solok City. Thus the Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach is expected to be used in continuons mathematics learning to improve student motivation and achievement.
Keywords : Realistic Mathematic Education (RME), Valid dan Praktical.