Development of Indonesian Language Learning Modules Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning for Class IV Students of SDN 09 Airpura
This study aims to develop an Indonesian Language Learning Module with a Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach in children's pantun material for 4th grade students of SD Negeri 09 Airpura Pesisir Selatan that are valid and practical. This research was carried out because the learning process in schools had not yet started with concept discovery activities, where students only used printed books, so there was a need for onter learning resources that helped students to find concepts such as modules. According to Daryanto (2013: 9), the module is one form of teaching material that is packed, intact and systematically, which contains a set of planned learning experiences and designed to help students master specific learning goals.
This research uses research or development (R & D) type. The subjects of the trial in this study were 4th students of SD Negeri 09 Airpura Pesisir Selatan totaling 20 people. The type of data in this study is primary data. Primary data in question is data obtained directly from lecturers, teachers and students, taken through questionnaires, testing validity and practicality. The primary data are: (1) the validation score from the lecturer (2) the questionnaire response score from the teacher and students.
The results showed that the Indonesian Language learning module with the Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach in children's pantun material for 4th grade students of elementary school was in a very practical category with an average practicality percentage of 91.31 per students. The results of the validation by two experts obtained a value of 96.87 which is included in the very valid category, and from the test the practicality value of the teacher is 100, which is included in the category is very practical. From these data can be concluded that the Indonesian Language learning module with the Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach was proven to be valid and practical, so that this module can be applied and used as an alternative teaching children's pantun material.
Keywords: module, contextual teaching and learning approach