Executive Summary
Fortuna, Retno Aulia. 2019. Development of Science Learning Modules Based on Constructivism Approach for Class V of Lubuk Jantan 07 Elementary School, Bung Hatta University.
Advisor: 1. Rona Taula Sari, S.Si., M.Pd
2. Siska Angreni, S.Pd., M.Pd
Education is a conscious activity that is directed at developing the potential of human resources through learning activities. Educators as facilitators must be able to direct students through meaningful learning processes so that students can apply their knowledge in daily life. Students need learning resources that can help students learn independently. To overcome this, the development of learning modules is needed which can help students learn independently and can build their knowledge. To overcome these problems educators can be able to use science learning modules based on constructivism approaches. Based on this, the researcher will develop the module entitled Development of Science Learning Module Based on Constructivism Approach for Class V of Lubuk Jantan Elementary School 07. This study aims to produce a valid and practical science learning module.
The research approach used in this study is a 3-D approach that is to define, design, and develop. Based on the results of the data obtained the researchers analyzed two data, namely data validity and practicality. In the validity of the module, the researcher obtained module validation which was assessed as a validator, in general, was 3.65 with a very valid category. From the aspects assessed, the average didactic aspect is 3.65, the construction aspect is 3.67, and the technical aspect is 3.64.
Then the researcher obtained a score from the practicum of the educator module which was 91% with very practical criteria. From the assessed aspects, the average percentage of practical aspects of use is 90%, the effectiveness of learning time is 83%, the suitability aspect of the illustration is 100% and the language aspect is 92%.
Apart from educators, researchers also obtained module practicality data from students, with module practicality of 91% and a very practical category.
Keywords: Science Module, Constructivism, Valid, Practical