The application of the Model of learning in Mathematics Learning Investigation Group grade VIII SMP 2 V Koto in the Kampung. Thesis. Mathematics Education, Bung Hatta University


  • Jihada Dina Putri
  • Fazri Zuzano
  • Puspa Amelia


This research backed by by the low learning outcomes grade VIII Junior High School Country 2 V Koto Kampung Dalam, in learning mathematics. In accordance with the background of the problem, in the process of learning seem that learning is still centralized to the teacher, students only receive material that provided teachers and students are less able to understand it. When the teacher gives the example of a reserved, visible only a few students are responding to the problem of the example given of teachers, resulting in less going on interaction between teachers and students.For it's one effort that can be done to improve student learning outcomes by applying the learning model Group Investigation.

              This type of research is the research experiments. The population in this research is grade VIII junior high school Country 2 V Koto Kampung in the lesson 2018/2019 totalling 59 students.Samples taken randomly selected two classes class VIII1 as class control and VIII3 as class experiments.Research instrument this is a test result of learning math students. Students learn math results data obtained by giving the second class end of the test sample.For testing the hypothesis used t test with a confidence level of 95% obtained . From the calculation obtained  that is      8,216 > 1,69, then    hypothesis rejected or  is accepted.

              Thus, it was concluded that the results of learning math students apply learning models Group Investigation better than the results of learning math students use learning.Based on the results of the study, the authors suggest to study mathematics teachers to apply the model Group Investigation in mathematical learning as an alternative to improve the results of learning math students.

Keywords : Results of learning math students, the Learning Group Investigation.


