Application of Snow Balling Type Active Learning Strategy in Mathematic Subject Grade VIII Students at SMP Negeri 3 Padang. Thesis. Mathematic Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Bung Hatta University


  • Syukur Hari Yondra
  • Rita Desfitri
  • Yusri Wahyuni


This research is motivated by students who have difficulty in understanding material, teacher dominate the learning activities, students are less of participate in the learning process, and most students' mathematics learning outcomes are still less than the KKM score (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). This research aims is to determine the students' mathematics learning outcomes with the application of Snow Balling type active learning strategies is better than the students' mathematics learning outcomes with ordinary learning in class VIII SMP Negeri 3 Padang.

This type of research is experimental research with its population of eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Padang 2018/2019 academic year consisting of five classes. Sampling is done randomly with Random Sampling technique, class VIII.1 was selected as the experimental class and class VIII.5 as the control class. The instrument used in this study is a final test in the form of a description.

The results of the research are primary data in the form of learning outcomes obtained through final tests in both sample classes Hypothesis testing of primary data is done by using t-test at the level . After the calculation gained,  and  which means . Thus hypothesis  is rejected so that the hypothesis in this research is accepted. Then it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students by applying the Snow Balling type active learning strategy are better than the results of students' mathematics learning by applying ordinary learning in class VIII of SMP Negeri 3 Padang.

Based on the results of the research, the researcher suggest that teachers use this learning strategy as an alternative to improve student mathematics learning outcomes.


Keywords: Active Learning Strategy, Snow Balling, Learning Outcomes


