Application of Innovative Learning Model Probing-Prompting Techniques to Improve Understanding of Mathematical Concepts of IIS Class XI Students at SMAN 13 Padang. Essay. Mathematics Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Novika Putri Danita
  • Syukma Netti
  • Puspa Amelia


The process of thinking is very important in learning mathematics because in the thinking process makes students understand the learning. In reality there is a process of thinking students not yet optimal in mathematics learning and the difficulties of students in understanding mathematical concepts. To overcome this problem, one of the efforts made is to implement an innovative learning model Probing-Prompting technique. The teacher gives questions directly and gradually, so students can find the concept of the material they are learning. With the implementation of this model, it is expected to increase the ability of students to understand mathematical concepts.

               The research carried out was a type of experiment, the study population was all IIS classes of SMAN 13 Padang, there were 3 classes. The samples in this study were the experimental class and the control class namely class XI IIS 1 and XI IIS 3. Sampling was done randomly using lottery or lot.

               The data in this study were obtained from the learning outcomes of students who carried out concept understanding tests in both sample classes. To test the hypothesis, one-way anava technique were used. From the calculation, it is found that t count with tcount = 3.63 and ttable = 1.6725 with a real level α = 0.05, so that it rejects H0. So that understanding the mathematical concepts of students who apply innovative learning models Probing-Prompting techniques is better than understanding the mathematical concepts of students who apply ordinary learning.

From the results of this study it is suggested that mathematics teachers can apply innovative learning models Probing-Prompting techniques in learning to improve understanding of students' mathematical concepts.



Keywords: Understanding of mathematical concepts, the process of thinking, Probing-Prompting techniques


