Application of the Round Table Cooperative Learning Model to Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class VIII Students of 10 Padang State Junior High School., Thesis. Mathematic Department, Bung Hatta University


  • Sity Syarifah Ramadhani
  • Yusri Wahyuni
  • Puspa Amelia


One of the obstacles faced by mathematics teachers in implementing the 2013 curriculum is the lack of student participation in the learning process so that teachers dominate the learning process. Students have not been faced with a real problem as a basis for understanding abstract things. So that there are still many class VIII SMP Negeri 10 Padang who have not reached the Minimum Completion Criteria in the first semester of the 2018/2019 Academic Year exam.

The type of research used is experiment. The population in the study was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 10 Padang in the 2018/2019 academic year consisting of eight classes. The sample class consists of two classes namely experiment class and control class. Sampling was done by random sampling, namely VIII.H as the experimental class and class VIII.G as the control class.

Based on the analysis of data on students' mathematics learning outcomes in the sample class, hypothesis testing was carried out by testing the difference in the mean level α = 0.05. From the calculation results obtained tcount = 4.1046 and ttable = 1.6875. Because ttable< tcount so that it rejects H0. Thus it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students who learn to apply the Round Table type cooperative learning model is better than the mathematics learning outcomes of students who apply ordinary learning to class VIII Padang 10 Middle School in Academic Year 2018/2019.

From the results of this study, researchers suggest that mathematics teachers can apply the Round Table cooperative learning model in mathematics learning as an effort to make learning more active, and can make student learning outcomes better.

Keywords : Round Table, learning outcomes


