The Application of Model Learning Logan Avenue Problem Solving-Heuristic Learning Mathematics Class VIII Junior High School State 31 of Padang


  • Wangi . Mashitah
  • Rita . Desfitri
  • . . Fauziah


The low learning outcomes of students caused by the difficulties the students in understanding the problem related to problem solving.The efforts made to implement the learning model is Logan Avenue Problem Solving-Heuristic.The learning model is expected to enhance students ' ability in solving problems.

This type of research is research experiments. The population in this research is classVIII Junior High School State31 of Padangyears lessons 2018/2019 which consists of eight classes.The sample in this research is the class VIII. 6 as class experiments and VIII.7 as the class of the control.

Based on test data analysis of end problem solving math students in the class samples, hypothesis testing is done by the average difference test (t-test) on the level of confidence .From the results of the calculation obtained and so , then the research hypothesis is accepted.

It can be concluded that the ability of students in solving problems by applying the learning model Logan Avenue Problem Solving Heuristic-better than the students ' ability in solving problems which apply ordinary learning in class VIII junior high school state 31 of Padangyears lessons 2018/2019.


Keywords: Logan Avenue Problem Solving-Heuristic, Mathematics Problem Solving Ability


