Application of the Logan Avenue Problem Solving Model (LAPS- Heuristics ) on Ability Solution Problem Mathematics for Class VIII Students at SMP N 3 Gumanti Valley


  • . . Synta
  • Yusri Wahyuni
  • . Fauziah


This research was motivated by the low mathematical problem solving abilities of class VIII students, including when students were unable to solve mathematical problems, especially when questions were presented in the form of story problems. One learning model that is considered to be able to overcome these problems is the learning model of Logan Avenue Problem Solving (LAPS-Heuristics).

The type of  research in this study is an experiment. With a population of all eighth grade students of Gumanti Valley Junior High School 3 in 2018/2019 school year there were 129 people . While the samples of class VIII 2 and VIII 4 were taken by Random sampling technique. The data used are student learning outcomes obtained from the final test in both sample classes.

To test the hypothesis, one-way anava technique is used. From the calculation, it is found that  t count table  with t count = 70,1278 and t table = 1.675 and level  so that it reject H 0 . Then it is concluded that the ability to solve the mass of students by applying mode l (LAPS- Heuristics ) better than the problem solving ability of students to use the regular learning in class V I II SMPN 3 Valleys Gumanti.

From the results of the study it is recommended that in the process of learning  mathematics can apply the LAPS- Heurstik learning model,  in order to improve students problem solving abilities.


Keywords: Logan Avenue Problem Solving (LAPS- Heuristics ) , Problem Solving Ability


