ApplicationStrategyLearningActive KnowledgeSharingonLearningMath in Class XII IPAof 2 Sungai Limau State Senior High School, Thesis. Mathematic Department, Bung Hatta University


  • Yani . Andriani
  • . . Khairudin
  • Yusri . Wahyuni


This research is motivated by the low mathematics learning outcomes of students in class XII IPA of 2 Sungai Limau State Senior High School. Based on observations it is known that this is caused by a lack of active students in learning. In addition, the interaction between teachers and students and students and students is still low. To overcome this, one of the efforts made is to implement Active Knowledge Sharing Learning Strategies.

Type of research used is experiment. The population in the study were students of class XII IPA of 2 Sungai Limau State Senior High Schoolin 2018/2019 academic yearwhich consisted of five classes. The sample class consists of two classes namely experiment class and control class. The sample from this study was class XII IPA 5 as an experimental class and class XII IPA 4 as a control class.

Based on data analysis from the activities of students who apply Active Knowledge Sharing Learning Strategies, student activities tend to increase from each meeting and based on students' mathematics learning outcomes data in the sample class, with a test of the average difference with a level of α = 0.05. obtainedand = 1.673, meaning <so that the research hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students whose learning applies the Learning Strategy Active Knowledge Sharing is better than the mathematics learning outcomes of students who apply ordinary learning.

Learning outcomes of students'mathematics by applying the Active Knowledge Sharing Learning Strategy is better thanlearning outcomes of students' mathematics by applying ordinary learning to students of class XII IPA of 2 Sungai Limau State Senior High School. This can be seen from the proportion of students who achieve mastery learning in mathematics whose learning to apply Active Knowledge Sharing Learning Strategies is higher than the proportion of students who achieve mastery learning in mathematics whose learning uses ordinary learning.


Keywords:   StrategyLearningActive KnowledgeSharing, Activitie, Learning Outcomes


