Application Method Learning Brainstorming on Learning Math SMA Negeri 5 Kota Payakumbuh


  • Emly . Yasril
  • . . Niniwati
  • Yusri . Wahyuni


The research is motivated the low result of study class XI IPS SMA Negeri 5 Kota Payakumbuh. One of factor is less the participation student giving opinion dan asking while stuying. This cause student opinion is less digging. One of resolve  can be done is application Method learning Brainstorming.

The research is experimental study, with a population of all student  in class XI IPS SMA Negeri 5 Kota Payakumbuh in the academic year 2018/2019. while the control sample of  class  is  XI IPS 3 and the experiment sample of class XI IPS 2  The control class author use method Brainstorming and the experimen class author use method conventional.

The results of research are result of study mathematics students who are learning apply method learning Brainstorming same it's good with the results  mathematics students who are learning apply method conventional.

From the results research conducted, results learn students still not yet satisfying . this could seen from the amount total students thorough from value tests were carried out. Then suggested for teacher who will doing learning use Brainstorming to have preparation for the process learning could done with good.


Key words: Participation, Brainstorming


