Stylistics in a Short Story Collection:Surat yang Berbicara tentang Masa Laluby Ade Ubaidil


  • Cahaya Mustika Haryanto
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Dainur Putri


Literary work is a medium used by authors in expressing thoughts or ideas. Each author has specificity and uniqueness in conveying his or her thoughts. The study of these specificity and uniqueness in order to discover and mark the general characteristics of the work of an author is an object in stylistic studies.

Ratna (2017) says that stylistics is a science related to style and language style. Language style consists of figures of thoughtand figures of speech. The functions of figures of thought  and figures of speech are to elevate the taste, influence or convince the reader, create a certain state of feeling, and strengthen the effect of the ideas (Al-Ma'ruf, 2009).

This study is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data sources in this study were 19 short stories from the collection of short stories entitled Surat yang Berbicara tentang Masa Lalu by Ade Ubaidil. The focus of this study is on the style of figures of thought and figures of speech. Data collection is carried out by reading, marking, and recording data related to the style of figures of thoughtand figures of speechfound in the data source. Data analysis was conducted by content analysis techniques.

Based on the analysis, the data found are as follows: Firstly, the most widely used figures of thought is simile (36 data) for example“...Kan aku tak perlu repot-repot menyeleksi wajah orang-orang seperti memilih calon istri.”,followed by personification (4 data), for example“...Daun-daun yang berserak di tanah menari bersama angin.”allegory (1 datum), for example“Kamu adalah cincin yang melingkar di jari manis sejak bertahun-tahun lalu.”.Secondly, the most frequently used figures of speechis repetition (10 data) “Ada yang nyebut-nyebut segala kesalahannya. Ada yang berjanji tak lagi melakukan dosa...”, paralelism (3 data) “Napasku tertahan seketika. Jantungku berdegup kian kencang. Darah yang mendesir seolah mengerumun di ubun-ubun. Seketika aku mematung. Tak kuasa memercayai itu.” anaphora (3 data) “Saya gegas masuk ke rumah. Bukan untuk membangunkan siapa-siapa selain mengambil katana milik Bapak. Lalu saya berlari ke samping rumah mencari tangga...”, hyperbole (4 data) “Terakhir kulihat, ia sedang menebas pelangi dan menyeretnya ke dalam bangunan tua-yang kutahu kemudian itu lebih banyak disebut gudang tua, litotes (1 datum) “Ternyata, neraka seperti sebuah ruangan pembuatan film. Banyak aktor-aktor berseliweran sepanjang pintu masuk tadi, dengan aneka topeng hewan dan makhluk aneh..., dan the irony of  sarcasm (18 data) “Lain kali baik-baiklah. Agar banyak yang nyaman tinggal dineraka”.Thirdly, the functions of figures of thought are to concretize, intensify speech, describe, and explain the meaning as well as what purpose the author conveys to the readers. Fourthly, the function of figures of speechis to describe and explain the meaning as well as the intentions that the author wants to convey.


Keywords: stylistics, figures of thought, figures of speech, short stories, Ade Ubaidil


