The Use of Effective Sentences on Outgoing Letter at the Wali Nagari Office Sungai Aua, Sungai Aua Sub-district, Districs Of Pasaman Barat


  • Arie Andrean
  • M. Sayuti
  • Romi Isnanda


In writing official letters must use the rules of language and rules that apply and use effective sentences in writing. Letters issued by government agencies are supposed to use standard language and procedures for writing. The use of standard Indonesian language and effective writing procedures will facilitate understanding the message conveyed and reduce the risk of misinterpretation. Therefore, this study aims to describe the use of effective sentences in letters consisting of, opening of letters, contents of letters, and closing of letters, as well as completeness of letters.

Source of the data in this study is a collection of official letter archives issued by the Office of the Wali Nagari Sungai Aua, Sungai Aua Sub-District,  Districs of Pasaman Barat in March 2018 until May 2018. Object of study is the use of effective sentences as seen from the writing of letter sections and effective sentence in an official letter. Data analysis was carried by: (1) classifying the forms of language errors found, (2) classifying them based on violated writing rules, (3) discussing all forms of errors and providing improvements, and (4) drawing conclusions based on the results of analysis and discussion.

Based on the analysis and discussion of the study found 12 letters including, 6 letters of invitation, 2 letters of report, 2 letters of introduction, 1 letter of notification, and 1 letter of application. In general, the same error was found in writing the letter section. Then the use of effective sentences also found the same error. All of these errors occur, because letter writing at the Wali Nagari Sungai Aua Office uses one format for each type of letter issued.

Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded as follows: (1) Writing the parts of the letter found writing errors on the letter head, date of letter, attachment, about the letter, mailing address, contents of the letter, clearly the name of the sender and copy, then the closing greeting is not written . (2) The use of effective sentences found in the contents of the letter found errors that are divided into, (a) opening paragraphs, (b) contents of paragraphs, and (c) closing paragraphs, almost all of them found EBI usage errors, unclear sentences, and language not standard.


Keywords: effective sentence, official letter.


