A Using of Loan Translation in KBBI V on SMA Negeri 5 Padang Students


  • Bio Handika
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Romi Isnanda


A loanword is a word adopted from other languages (regional languages and foreign languages) that are used in the Indonesian language, the way of writing has changed or not and has been used in daily life (Kridalaksana, 2011: 112). A loan translation is part of Indonesian language standard. The standard language is protected by The State of Indonesian Republic in PP RI 57/2014 and RI Law No.24/2009. In the education curriculum, students are required to be able to know the standard words and non-standard words. Relating to this, the researcher conducted this study on purpose of review and describing the using of loan translation by students.

This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 5 Padang. The data was obtained from questionnaires consist of 80 standard and non-standard words to 60 students consisting of class X IPA 2 and X IPA 4. Students were told to choose the words they considered standard word and often used in every day. The validity of the data using triangulation technique. The data analysis done by: (1) transcribing data from questionnaires, (2) classifying data base on its type (standard/non-standard), (3) describing data obtained based on usage (often used, sometimes used, and never used), (4) interpreting the data, and (5) drawing conclusions from the using of loan translation in KBBI V on SMA Negeri 5 Padang students.

Based on data analysis and discussion, conclusions were obtained about the using of loan translation in KBBI V on SMA Negeri 5 Padang students. The students understanding of loan translation is still low. Of the 80 word tested, 97.5% of students prefer foreign word rather than standard word (Indonesian). There are even some loan translation which are completely unknown by students, even though the word is not foreign to them if they still use in foreign languages, such as “penatu” for the terms “laundry” and “bank daya” for the terms “powerbank”. The students assume the foreign word has become equivalent in Indonesian standard word, because the word is often found and used when communicating every day.

Factors that lead to low student understanding of the using loan translation are technological factors, information, culture, and the low interest in reading students. Efforts that can improve students understanding of the using of loan translation can be done by various parties, including the government and Indonesian teachers.

Key word: Loan translation, perception, SMA Negeri 5 Padang


