ASocial Value in the TuankuLintau Folk Story Book, PutiAndamDewi, Agam Tiger (Sociological Analysis of Literature)


  • Putri Ramadhani
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Syofiani .


Oral literature or old literature is a literary work that was passed down from generation to generation in the middle of society and delivered orally. One of the oral literature that developed in the community is folklore.Folklore is a hereditary story that relates to the event and experienced by the local community. Folklore is usually spoken verbally, but there is a folklore that has been written in the book. Folklore has a picture of social values that can be used as an example by the community in their daily life. According to Herabudin (2015:81) social values is a concept or view that stayed in human’s mind about things that considered good and valuable.

This research uses the folklore “Social Value in the TuankuLintau Folk Story Book, PutiAndamDewi, Agam Tiger” which is consisting of three West Sumatera folklore written by Mustafa Ibrahim. Testing the validity of the data was accomplished by triangulation technique. Data analysis is done by: (1) classifying data related to folklore to be studied, (2) analyzing social values contained in folklore book "TuankuLintau, PutiAndamDewi, Agam Tiger", (3) concluding the results of the interpretation and report results.

               Based on data analysis and discussions, conclusions were obtained about social values in the folklore book "TuankuLintau, PutiAndamDewi, Agam Tiger", which are the three folktales teach how to describe the social values needed in daily life and can be used as examples in life community, for instance the value of material which is everything that is useful for humans such as fish, firewood, and supplies. A vital value that all things useful for doing activities, such as knife, mosque, and fortresses. Spiritual values that beneficial to human spiritual, for example moral values, like mutual support, kindness, and manners, religious values, such as asking for help to God, asking for forgiveness only to Allah SWT, and prayers, the truth values, for instance when making decisions and providing the truth, the value of beauty, like the beauty of nature and the beauty of appearance.                 Thereby, it can be concluded that social values in the folklore book "TuankuLintau, PutiAndamDewi, Agam Tiger" can be used as an model in the social life even in the school. Besides, social values also can help the community to function correctly. Without the systems, the values of society becomes chaotic. Therefore, the social value system is seen as important by the community, especially to keep the social relationship. 

Keywords: social value, folklore, literary sociology


