Moral value in Bungo Dikia Amad da MuhammadPoetry's on Tradition Badikiain Kenagarian Tapakis, Kecamatan Ulakan Tapakis, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman


  • Yesi Oktaviani
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Syofiani .


Oral literature is  a literary work delivered orally by word of mouth. One of oral literature is poetry. Poetry is an old poem that comes from Arabic which is used as a modifier of stories or expressing a story and preaching. Then, in the poem you can see a picture of moral values that can be used as an example in everyday life. Nurgiyantoro (2010: 321) argues that the moral in literary works usually reflects the life view of the author in question, a view of truth values, and that is what the reader wants to convey. Moral in literature can be seen as a message.


               This research was conducted in Kenagarian Tapakis, Kecamatan Ulakan Tapakis,Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Data collection was obtained from Bungo Dikia Amad da Muhammad's poetry texts got from informants. Testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation technique. Data analysis was done by: (1) Translating data into Indonesian. (2) Identify and classify data. (3) Grouping data related to moral values in terms of types and forms of life and human life in Bungo Dikia Amad da Muhammad's poetry. (4) Analyzing moral values in terms of types and forms of life and human life contained in Bungo Dikia Amad da Muhammad's poetry. (5) Conclude the results of the interpretation and compile the report.                Based on data analysis and discussion, conclusions about Bungo Dikia Amad da Muhammad'spoetry have moral values that can be used as examples of human examples in daily life. The moral value was possessed by the character in the poetry, namely the Prophet Muhammad and his family who were very good in his life at that time. Figures in poetry have the type and moral form of life and living, like the relationship between humans and them selves, the relationship between humans and other humans, and humans with their God.                Therefore, it can be concluded that these moral values cannot be separated from life and human life which includes the human dignity itself as a whole both to himself, others, and his God. The moral values contained in Bungo Dikia Amad da Muhammad's poetry text in the tradition of Badikia can be used as exemplary examples by humans, so that these humans have good morals in daily life because of many problems of life and human life in this time and future time.  


Keywords : Moral value, Bungo Dikia Amad da Muhammad Poetry`s


