The Development of Word and Sentence Cards Media for Reading Ability Learning on Theme 5 Pengalamanku for First Grade Students of Public Elementary School Number 31 AmbacangPainan.”


  • Ongki . Afdani
  • Hasnul . Fikri
  • Hendra . Hidayat


Executive Summary

Afdani, Ongki. 2019. “The Development of Word and Sentence Cards Media for Reading Ability Learning on Theme 5 Pengalamanku for First Grade Students of Public Elementary School Number 31 AmbacangPainan.”Elementary School Teacher Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Science of Education.Bung Hatta University.


Supervisor : 1. Dr. Hasnul Fikri, M. Pd.

                    2. HendraHidayat,S.Pd., M. Pd.

Learning is a process to achieve the educational goals. However, based on observation, there were many students playing during the learning process, and the media used by the teacher were considered traditional and did not vary. To create effective learning, valid, practical and effective learning media are needed. One of the learning media is   pictorial word and  sentence card. The  objective of the study was to describe the process and the quality (validity, practicality, and effectiveness) of pictorial word and sentence cards media on  Theme 5 (Pengalamanku) for first grade students of Public Elementary School 31 AmbacangPainan.

The type of the study was a Research and Development (R & D). The study   was conducted only until the phase of usage trial. The instruments of the study were validation sheet, questionnaire on practicality, and the test . The pictorial word and sentence cards media were validated by 2 (two) lecturers,  and tried on a teacher and 6 (six) students in a small scale trial, and on a teacher with 11 (eleven) students on a large scale trial. The subjects of the study were 6 (six) first grade students of SDN UPT 02 PasarBaru and 11 (eleven) first grade students of SDN 31 Ambacang, Painan registered in the study year of 2018/2019.    

The results of the development study were as following. First, the development process was started from the process of finding potensials and problems, collecting data and planning the design of the products, conducting validity test on the poducts, and revising. The next step was conducting the small scale product trial and revising the media, and the last was conducting the  big scale product trial . Second, from the quality aspect, it was found out that: (1) on validity aspect, the media were in valid category with the assesment percentage of  material aspect of 90%, and media aspect of 91%. (2) the practicality aspect according to the assessment of the teacher on smalll scale trial was 85% and on large scale trial was 92,5%, while according to the assessment of the students on smalll scale trial, it was 81,25% and on large scale trial, it was 88,25%, (3) in the effectiveness aspect, in the small scale trial, five out of six students were declared complete, whereas in the big scale trial, it was five out of eleven students declared complete. So, it can be concluded that the media of pictorial word and sentence cards meet the valid, practical and quite effective criteria.  

Key words : reading ability learning on theme 5 (Pengalamanku), pictorial word and sentence card media, first grade students of elementary school.






Translated like the original by:


HasriYelia Sari

Translator/ English Instructor


