Application Of Circuit Learning Models In Mathematics Lessons Class VIII Students Of SMP Negeri 16 Padang. Mathematics Education


  • Rahmad Kurnialdi Firdaus
  • Susi Herawati
  • . Niniwati


Regarding the importance of mathematics in the world of education, it is necessary to improve the quality and results of learning mathematics. Teachers who are directly involved in learning can seek several things to increase student motivation. When learning is done in groups it is seen that students who are smart work individually and do not communicate with members who are in a group to communicate. When asking them just stay quiet and not explain on arrival. It causes smart students to be shunned by their group members. To overcome this, one of the efforts made is to apply the learning series model.

               The type of research used is an experiment. The population in the study was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang in the academic year 2018/2019 consisting of a combination of classes. The sample class consists of two classes, namely the experimental class in class VIII.1 and the control class in class VIII.3. To take a sample class is done randomly because all classes are homogeneous.               Learning outcomes data were obtained by giving the final test in the two sample classes consisting of 6 items in the description. Then the student test results are analyzed using the . Test. obtained= 11.99 and db = 1 with p <0,0005 for α = 0.05 means that , and it was decided to reject H0 and accept.               Then it can be concluded that the proportion of students who achieve mastery learning in mathematics who are learning applies the learning series model higher than the proportion of students who achieve mastery learning mathematics who apply ordinary learning.This circuit learning model can be used as a reference in mathematics learning. Keywords : Circuit Learning Model, Study Reasult, Pythagorean Theorem


