”Peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV Pada Pembelajaran IPA Melalui Model Pembelajaran Scramble di SDN 16 Seberang Padang Utara
Lydia Anggraini: increase in activity and learning outcomes of fourth grade students in IPA
learning models at 16 across the northern field
Mentor: 1. Drs.Wince Hendri.,M.Si
2. Siska Angreni, S.Pd, M.Pd
This research the background based on the observation results that the authors did on
January 15, 2018 IV SDN 16 Seberang Padang Utara in science learning, it was obtained an
illustration that the teacher was still using motede lectures. Penilis also saw teachers not using
the media in the learning process. This resulted in students feeling less interested in the
subject matter presented by the teacher. The purpose of this study was to find out the
students' learning outcomes between increasing activity and learning outcomes of fourth
grade students in science learning with the Scramble model at SDN 16 Seberang Pdang Utara
in the 2017/2018 school year as many as 20 students. The data analyzed in this study are
cognitive science learning outcomes collected through objective tests. The results showed
that there was an increase in activity and learning outcomes of class IV students in science
learning with the Scramble model at SDN 16 Seberang Padang Utara. This can be seen from
the acquisition of the average value of the first cycle of 50% with an average value of 65%
increasing in the second cycle to 85% with an average value of 77%. It can be concluded that
the Scramble model has a better effect than conventional learning. Looking at the results of
this study, the Scramble model needs to be applied and developed in order to achieve optimal
learning outcomes.
Keywords : Scramble, learning outcomes IPA