Imagery of Noah Song Lyrics in the Album Seperti Seharusnya


  • Irfan Zikri
  • Marsis .
  • Gusnetti .


Waluyo (2002: 10) explains imagery is a word or arrangement of words that can clarify what is stated by the poet.Through imagery, what is described as if it can be seen (visual imagery), heard (auditive imagery), or perceived (tactile imagery).Whereas Pradopo (2005: 79) explains in poetry, to give a clear picture, in order to create a special atmosphere, to make (more) life a picture in the mind and sensing and also to attract attention, the poet also uses imagery of thoughts (thoughts) , next to other poetic tools. The images of dreams in the poem are called imagery.

This study aims to describe the form of imagery in the lyrics of Noahsong in the album Seperti Seharusnya.Data analysis techniques in this study go through several stages: (1) classifying data, (2) describing data relating to imagery, themes, and mandates, (3) interpreting the results of the analysis, and (4) discussing study results based on the analysis seen in aspects of the imagery, theme, and mandate.

Based on the results of study on the lyrics of Noah song in the albumSeperti Seharusnya88 imagery are:28 vision imagery, 12 auditory imagery, 20 palpable imagery, 2 imaging imagery, 0 olfactory imagery, and 26 motion imagery.The theme contained in the lyrics of Noah song in the album Seperti Seharusnyadescribed includes the theme of love for the homeland, and the theme of love between men and women.As for the mandate on the song Noah in the album, Seperti Seharusnya, that is giving motivation to listeners who are sad or heartbroken, they do not feel hopeless and must stay motivated to live life. the theme of love between men and women motivates listeners who are sad or broken hearted not to feel hopeless and must stay motivated to live life.

The conclusion of this study is that: (1) The most dominant imagery of Noahsong vision imagery, which is as much as 28 imagery of vision.(2) olfactory imagery not found in Noahsong in the album Seperti Seharusnya.


Keywords: imagery, themes, mandates, Noah songs, albums Seperti Seharusnya.


