Moral Values in the Song Lyrics of AmanahWali 2


  • Khairunnisa .
  • Marsis .
  • Gusnetti .


In the song lyrics there are many messages that the author wishes to communicate to the reader. One of these messages is a moral message.The moral in literary works reflects the author's life view, namely the view of truth values.The moral in the story is identified with the message. In general, moral advises on the understanding of the teachings about the good that is generally accepted regarding actions, attitudes, obligations, and so on.                              This research is qualitative research. The method used in this study is descriptive, which seeks to describe and interpret data in accordance with facts or reality. The data collection techniques carried out in this study were: (1) listening to and understanding the song lyrics in Amanah Wali 2 albums, (2) making notes or summaries of the contents of song lyrics relating to moral values, (3) inventorying data that had been found in accordance with moral value, (4) grouping collected data. Data analysis techniques in this study go through several stages: (1) classifying data, (2) describing data relating to moral values in Amanah Wali 2 album, (3) making research conclusions based on song lyrics analysis in Amanah Wali 2 album Implementation Descriptive method in this research is to describe and analyze moral values in the song lyrics of Amanah Wali 2 album.                Based on the results of the study, Amanah Wali 2 album song lyrics contain 61 moral values data, namely: moral values of conscience totaling 15 data, moral values of rights and obligations totaling 33 data, and moral values and norms totaling 13 data, moral values of freedom and responsibility 0 data. The theme contained in the song lyrics of Amanah Wali 2 is to diligently worship. As for the mandate on the song Amanah Wali 2 album, remember that God always sees and knows best what we do in this world, diligently worship before death.                The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) the most dominant moral value in the song Amanah Wali 2 album is the moral value of rights and obligations, namely as many as 33 moral values of rights and obligations. (2) the moral values of freedom and responsibility are not found in the Amanah Wali 2 album song.


Keywords: moral value, song lyrics, AmanahWali 2 album


