the style of language in the Pantun show of the Marapulai and the son on the wedding ceremony in the village of Tabek Sirah, district Talamau West Pasaman


  • Ufi Maryam Sudril
  • Dainur Putri
  • Gusnetti .


According to Hasanuddin (2004:274), the language style is a method of practical word in the phrase that can outputs the meaning of the meaning of the meaning, because it can be applied to the pancaindra to understand something which is spoken in the book. The language style is a way someone reveals minds, sense and creative languages to pose certain beauty effects of literature. Trophic style is shaped by comparison or equations, Keraf (2009:175)

            The study aims to describe the language of the baltun and the trowists in the pantun ceremony of the wedding ceremony in the kingdom of the suwam and the principality of the dublin. Data analysis in this study is conducted with the stage: (1) describes the data in the form of a compatible, (2) meneydata data into english, (3) identified the tuturan pantun which included the language styles, (4) mengelompokkan data into the betuk language style and trois, (5) concluded data analysis.

            According to the results of data and discussion analysis, the first, in the language of the main language is 38 data that are formed, on the 16, aliteration 9, apofasis 4, hyperbola 6, apostrof 1, litotes 1, transition 1. As a result of the resulting language of the series as of 25 data, the satire version 3, satire 1, sinmile 2, the disputed 16, so asa total of a stylisation in the marriage asa 63 gaya style. The most dominant style of language styles in the style of the wedding of the marriage is the style of asonation and the metaphor.

            The conclusion of this study is obtained that the use ofa marriage of the marriage of the marriage was as of 56 data that consists ofa total of 38 data that were about 38 data, as of 16, aliterasi 9, apofasis 4, hyperbola 6, apostrof 1, litotes 1, transition 1. As a result of the resulting language of the series of 25 data, the satire 1, sinekdoke 1, simile 2. The 16th century, so asa total of the language in the wedding has 63 style style. The most dominant use of language style in the style of marriage pantun is the style of asonation and metaphor.


