The Functions and Sense of Petatah-Petitih Penno Adat at Karya Bakti, Pondok Tinggi, Sungai Penuh, Kerinci, Jambi


  • Benni Maulana
  • Gusnetti .
  • Syofiani .


Literature is an inner experience of creator about their public life in certain time and culture situation (WidjojokoandHidayat, 2006:2). According to Emzir and Rohman (2015:228) Folklore is grouped in 3 kinds. There are Folklore in oral, Folklore as oral, and material folklore. Oral Folklore is a folklore shaped in oral pure.

The aims of this research was to describe: (1) The form of indigenous penno at Karya Bakti, Pondok Tinggi, Kerinci, (2) the functions of indigenous penno at Karya Bakti, Pondok Tinggi, Kerinci, and (3) the senses of indigenous penno at Karya Bakti, Pondok Tinggi, Kerinci. In data analysis, the researcher used qualitative research. The are some procedures which were used. The first, grouping the penno. Second, analyzing the structure of penno functions. Third, analyzing the meaning of penno. The last, concluding the result of interpretation and report arranging.

Based on the result of data analysis, it can be found that (1) the functions of folklore as project system as much as 1 data (2) the functions of folklore as the endorsement of culture (3) the functions of folklore as education tools as much as 6 data. Then, it was found the meaning of petatah-petitih penno as much as 31 data.

Based on the data analysis, it can be revealed that: the function of folklore was as project system as much as 31 data, and only 1 data found, the function of folklore was as an endorsement of culture as much as 31 data, there was 24 data found. This function dominated as the function of folklore which always found, the function of folklore was as education tool, there are 6 data, the functions as norms which penno did not found, because penno of Kerinci had the its function as an endorsement culture, and education tool. Then, the meaning of petatah-petitih of penno at Karya Bakti, Pondok Tinggi, Sungai Penuh, Kerinci, Jambi which explained as much as 31 data that had different  meaning based on the functions of its penno, and the petatah-petitih of penno at Desa Karya Bakti, Pondok Tinggi, Kerinci found that the phrase of traditional.


Key Words : Literature, Folklore, Petatah-Petitih ‘Penno’


