Deiksis (Minangkabau situation analysis on the market Lubuk Alung) Padang Pariaman district


  • Nadya Yolanda
  • Marsis .
  • Romi Isnanda


This study was aimed at described deiksis persona, places, time, wacana and social and meaning in the Minangkabau language in the interaction on the market of the lubuk alung l district of the cathedral. According to Putrayasa (2014:43), the Deiksis is the word, phrases or the phrase from switching depending on who became speakers, the time, and the place of the language. The phenomenon of deicsis is the most obvious manner to describe the relationship between language and contexts in the language structure itself.

Data analysis is conducted in research with several stages: (1) the mentransurai tuturan (2) may have been recorded, (2) translated from the indonesia language, (3) identify the tuturan word vang including deiksis persona, places, time, wacana and social based on the context, (4) mengelompokkan data into the deiksis of persona, places, time, wacana, and social, (5) analysis data in accordance with the forms as well as attempts, (6) concluded data analysis.

Based on the results of data analysis, deiksis persona in Minangkabu markets are found 8 data including geometry (i), we (we), the awak (we), Pak (father/you), urang (people) and no (she is or her and women and an object). The Deiksis place in the Minangkabau language was discovered 6 data from the word in (to), in the context (here), in the sinan (in sana), in situ (in situ), and the word but (the edge). Deiksis time was discovered 4 data patang (volumes), dulau (formerly), now (now), and the word beko (later). The social Deiksis are found 2 data in the word mintio (gundah) and the word Ni (the union/older. Women). Deiksis wacana 2 data is found in that word iko (this), and it (it). The use of deiksis word in the bottom market is the dominant deiksis persona and deiksis places.

Based on classification is found that deicsis is in Minangkabau bahfrom the bottom of the Alung deiksis persona, deicsis place, deicsis time, social deiksis, and the deiksis of wacana. In impeachment deiksis the dominant deiksis persona and deiksis places.


