Indonesian Language Acquisition in Javanese Language Speakers at 5 Years Old (Case Study on Rizallul Farid Pratama)


  • Rahmat Taufiq Aliatul Fajri
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Syofiani .


Language acquisition can be said as a process that is passed by children to achieve mastery of language that is smooth and fluent in mother tongue, or which is often known as language formed from the surrounding environment. In this case, the acquisition of language in the child will bring the child in smoothly and fluency in speaking. In this case, especially the acquisition of language in the field of syntax which includes declarative sentences or news sentences, interrogative sentences or question sentences, imperative sentences or command sentences and exclamation sentences or exciting sentences.


This study aims to describe Indonesian language acquisition for Javanese speakers of 5-year-olds (a case study in Rizallul Farid Pratama) which includes declarative sentences or news sentences, interrogative sentences or question sentences, imperative sentences or command sentences and exegetical sentences or exciting sentences. The data analysis techniques in this study are: (1) the collected data are grouped, (2) the data are analyzed based on the form of syntax, imperative, declarative, interrogative and exaggerated sentences, (3) making overall conclusions on the results of data analysis.


Based on the results of data analysis and discussion understood: The research data found as many as 62 data. (1) declarative sentences are of two types, namely: declarative sentences in the form of news found in 13 data, declarative sentences in the form of statements found in 28 data, (2) interrogative sentences known as question sentences as many as 16 data, (3) imperative sentence forms  a sentence containing orders or instructions found in 4 data, while for an exclamation sentence known as an exclamation sentence, 1 data was found in Farid's utterance.


The conclusion of this study is that: Farid, a five-year-old child has produced declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, and exclamation sentences. Even though Farid has used Indonesian, he occasionally still uses Javanese, let alone playing with his friends.



Keywords: language acquisition, Javanese speakers


