Code Mixing and Politeness in the Teachers’ Utterances during Indonesian Language Learning Process at SMPN 1, Koto Salak, Koto Salak Sub-District, District of Dharmasraya


  • Septi Rahayu
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Dainur Putri


Indonesian language subjects at SMP Negeri 1, Koto Salak, Koto Salak Subdistrict, District of Dharmasraya are taught by three Indonesian teachers and two English teachers. Both the teachers and students come from Javanese and Minangkabau ethnicity. In this condition, there is a high probability of language interference during the learning process. The purpose of this study was to describe the forms and causes of code mixing during the process of Indonesian Language learning as well as the politeness in the teachers’ utterances while performing code mixing.

According to Suwito (in Nursaid, 2002), code mixing is the substitution of two languages, two or more dialects that occur in one utterance. He also stated that code mixing was caused by role identification, variety identification, and the desire to explain and interpret. Leech (in Chaer, 2010) states that politeness are related to the relationship between communication participants, namely speakers and listeners. He states that there are six maxims of politeness, namely (1) tact; (2) generosity; (3) approbation; (4) modesty; (5) agreement; and (6) sympathy.

This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. The object of the research was the teacher's speech at SMP Negeri 1, Koto Salak, Koto Salak Sub district, Disrtict of Dharmasraya. The data are in the forms of teacher speech containing code mixing. The techniques of data collection are recording, transcribing, and note taking. Data analysis was conducted by grouping data, explaining data in the forms of code mixing, identifying the causes of code mixing and politeness, and concluding the results of data analysis.

Based on the results of the study, it was found that firstly, the code mixing by Indonesian language teachers tended to be external mixing, for example, who is absent today. This happens because the teachers are accustomed to using English during the learning process. In addition, there are also code mixing in the form of Javanese and Minangnese dialects because the teachers have background from the Javanese and Minangkabau ethnics, for example, ora mudeng, antah, manggaretek, ndak mandanga lai, nyerep,mbok seng iki, meneng. Secondly, the code mixing tends to occur because of the identification of variety because the teacher is accustomed to using English. Thirdly, teachers often use the maxim of tact and the maxim of compatibility in doing the code mixing, for example by using the word hello to greet students.


Keywords: code mixing, language politeness, teacher, students


