The character of the key Novel is silam with Risa Saraswati: the review of literary psychology


  • Radyatul Diana
  • Marsis .
  • Romi Isnanda


Atmazaki (2007:18) describes that the literature is a beauty or literature could be called a beautiful work. Texts are framed based on imaginative or conjecture properties. Thus, the impostor becomes the kriteriation of which works are called literature and which is not literary. The literature of his nature corner is seen as the creative work.

The research aims to define the main personality of the novel with Risa Saraswati: a review of literary psychology. The theory used as a reference in the process of literary theory of the ultimatum by Ahadiat (2007), Atmazaki (2017), Nurgiantoro (2010) on the development of the ultimatum by Freud (Minderop, 2011). A type of research used in this research is kualitatively with the deskriptive method. The study of research is the word and sentence that is in a new testament novel of Risa Saraswati, published in 2018 with the thickletter of 224 pages. The following year's declaration: (1) reading and understanding of the novel as well as the Risal Saraswati as overall, (2) marks the portions of the story deals with the main characters in the novels of the Risa Saraswati, and (3) noted data based on research issues. The series of steps done in analyzed the data are as follows: (1) classification data, (2) dubbed data described the principal figure of the novel Risa Saraswati, and (3) meant the conclusion as a complete outcome of data analysis to see the lead character in the old novel of Risa Saraswati.

Based on the results of data analysis and can be found: (1) the aspect of the id of a list of 2 data, for example "the character of ghosts and decide to sleep (2) aspect of the ego of 28 data, for example" the story of which go school without having been taught with her mother, she is still emitted by the mother's attitude "and (3) aspect of the super ego of the two data, for example "the figures who have survived her parents while the poor treatment is less violent". The overall found the main aspect of the 42 data.

Based on the results of data analysis can be set up the main figure in the novel by Risa Saraswati, and the super ego. The Data related to the aspect of the key people are the 42 Data which concerns about the key people of the key people, which consists of a number of Data, 28 Data, and 12 Data which are the super ego. Thus, a more prominent aspect of the novel was written in the novel.


Key word: personality, lead figure, literary psiology


