Transfer of Speech Codes Among Children of Special Mentawai Children's Orphanages: A Sociolinguistic Review


  • Marsa Tri Aminah
  • Marsis .
  • Romi Isnanda


Language is a sound symbol system that is used by community members to work together, interact, and identify themselves (Kridalaksana, 2008: 24). Through language, a person can express his feelings, opinions, ideas, and desires to others. We can see this in everyday life. Without the language of communication it will not be perfectly interwoven in the community. As a communication tool, language plays an important role in interacting.

               This study aims to describe: (1) the cause of the code transfer speech of Mentawai children for orphanage children, (2) the function of code switching and, (3) the purpose of code switching among children of special institutions for Mentawai children. This is done using a theory (Nursaid and Maksan, 2002: 19)

               This study uses a qualitative approach and uses descriptive methods. The data sources in this study were children of orphanages specifically for Mentawai children, while the object of this research was the transfer of the speech code for the children of a special orphanage for the Mentawai children. Data collection is done by direct observation and recording techniques by observing the utterances of the children of the Mentawai Children's Orphanage. The steps taken to analyze the data are as follows: (1) transcribing the record into written language, (2) analyzing the causes of the code transfer speech for Mentawai children, the code transfer function for Mentawai children and, for the purpose of code transfer of children Mentawai children's special orphanage, grouping code transfer data in written form, concluding analysis of data obtained, format filled after retrieving data and discussing the results of analysis of data obtained, and entering code switching data into tables.

               Based on the analysis of the data it can be concluded (1) the causes of code switching found in the speech of children Mentawai child orphanage because, changes in the situation with the presence of a third person to repeat the statement found 11 data, (2) the code transfer function was found to specialize the intended person to communicate there are 16 data and code switching functions conveying the appeal that there are 12 data, (3) the purpose of child speech code transfer The Mentawai children's special orphanage to develop familiarity found 7 data.


Keywords: transfer of speech code in child bailout for special orphanages

         Mentawai: a sociolinguistic review


