“An Analysis of the Third Year Students’ Ability in Translating English Spoof Text Into Indonesian at the English Literature of Bung Hatta University”. Thesis. English Department, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.
Translation is a bilingual skill. Throught translation, we can transform the message or ideas from the source language (SL) into target language (TL). The source language is the language that will be translated and the target language is the language into which the translation is done. By translation, we get the information and understand the meaning correctly. By translation from English into Indonesian, it helps other person to understand meaning of word, meaning sentences and meaning of text.
The population of this research was the third year students of the English Literature of Bung Hatta University. The number of sample was 20 students selected using total sampling technique. The research used to collect the data was translation test. To make the test reliable, the researcher used inter-rater method. It means that there were two assessors to check the students’ answer sheet. The correlation coefficient of the test was 0,99. It means that the test was reliable.
The result of this research showed that the students at the English Literature of Bung Hatta University in general had moderate ability. The studentshad moderate ability in lexical equivalence. It was proved by finding that 40% students had moderate ability. The studentshad moderate ability in grammatical adjustment. It was proved by finding that 35% students had moderate ability.
Based on those findings, it could be coucluded that the second year students at the English Literature of Bung Hatta University had moderate ability in translating English spoof text into Indonesian. In line with the conclusion of this research, students should learn more about lexical equivalence and grammatical adjustment. Besides, the lecturers are suggested to give more explanations about lexical equivalence and grammatical adjustment and provide more exercises on it to improve their translation skill.
Key words: Ability, Translation, Spoof Text