The Influence of the Implementation of the Index Card Match Type Cooperative Learning Model Against the Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade V Students at SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah, Padang City
This research is motivated by a one-way mathematics learning that is from teacher to student so that students only accept what the teacher explains and then copy the notes given by the teacher and the low student learning outcomes so that many students still do not achieve the KKM value. This study aims to prove the mathematics learning outcomes of students who apply the Cooperative learning model type Index Card Match is better than the results of learning mathematics students who apply conventional methods in class V SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah Padang City.This type of research is experimental research. The population of this research is all fifth grade students of SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah Padang City which are divided into two classes, namely VA and VB classes. The sampling technique in this study was carried out using total sampling technique. The data to be analyzed in this study are the results of students' mathematics learning collected through objective tests.
The results of the research analysis found that the experimental class had an average learning outcome of 82.03 and the control class was 67.5. Hypothesis testing using t-test showed tcount> ttable, with tcount of 3.14 and ttable value of 1.67 at a significant level of 0.05 then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted, which means the mathematics learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah who applies the Index Card Match type cooperative learning model is better than the mathematics learning outcomes of students who apply conventional learning methods.
Based on these data it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah who apply the Index Card Match type cooperative learning model are better than the mathematics learning outcomes of students who apply conventional learning methods.
keywords : index card match, learning outcomes, mathematics learning