Development of Cross Puzzle Learning Media in Civics Learning for Class IV Students of 11 Public Elementary School 11 Lubuk Buaya, Koto Tangah
The background of this research in the world of education required professional teachers to carry out their duties as educators and instructors covering pedagogical, personality, professional, and social abilities. In addition, in learning the teacher must be able to develop learning media properly so that learning objectives are achieved. This study aims to explain the characteristics of the validity and practicality of the crossword learning media on Civics Education for grade IV students of SDN 11 Lubuk Buaya. According to Sadiman, et al, (2014: 6) "Media are various types of components in the student environment that can stimulate them to learn". According to Rusman, et al (2011: 170) "Learning media is a messenger technology that can be used for learning purposes, is a physical means to deliver subject matter".This type of research uses development or Research and Development (R&D). The researcher modifies the stages of the research developed by Borg and Gallyaitu: (1) Potential and problems, (2) Data collection, (3) Product design, (4) Design validation, (5) Design revision, (6) Product testing , (7) Product revision, (8) Trial usage, (9) Practicality. The subjects of the trial use in this study were grade IV students at SDN 11 Lubuk Buaya with 23 students. After learning activities using crossword puzzles, the teacher and students fill out the media practicality questionnaire.
The results of this study indicate that the learning media of crossword puzzles in the fourth grade students Civics learning which were developed are in the category of very valid with a value of 3.50 from the design expert validator and the validation result of the material expert is declared to be obtained with an average of 3.42 and the results Teacher response questionnaire was 94% and student response questionnaire results were 92% each in the very practical category.
So it can be concluded that the crossword learning media developed using the Borg and Gall development model meets valid and practical characteristics.
Keywords: Learning Media, Crosswords, Civics Learning