The Relationship Between Agility and Speed with Skill Dribbling Soccer Players in SMP Negeri 3 Padang
Executive Summary
Aditia Niperdi. 2019. The Relationship Between Agility and Speed with Skill Dribbling Soccer Players in SMP Negeri 3 Padang
Advsort: 1. Drs. Afrizal. S, M.Pd
2. Apriyanti Rahmalia,S.Si, M.Pd
The problem in this research is the low dribble skills of SMPN 3 Padang Football players. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of agility and speed with the skills of dribbling Soccer players of SMPN 3 Padang.
This type of research is a correlational population in this study amounting to 24 people. Sampling in this study used a total sampling method of 24 people. The test instruments used were arrowhwead dril, sprint running 30 meters, and dribbling. Data were analyzed using tests of normality and homogeneity, submission of hypotheses with, simple correlations and multiple correlations.
The results of the research analysis showed that: (1) There was a relationship between agility with the dribble skills of the soccer players of SMPN 3 Padang, with the results of rcount (0.474)> rttable (0.404). (2) There is a relationship between agility with the dribble skills of the players of SMPN 3 Padang Football, with the results of rcount (0.474)> rttable (0.404). (3) There is a relationship between the agility and speed of the players together with Soccer SMPN 3 Padang, with the results of Fcount (0.6.65)> Fttable (3.47).
Conclusion of The Research: Variable X-Y Agility and Speed with Skill Dribbling Soccer Players in SMP Negeri 3 Padang.