Pengaruh Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Tipe Questions Students Have Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa Kelas VII SMP Pertiwi I Padang


  • As'ad . Ilyas
  • . Mukhni
  • Puspa Amelia


One of factor that led many students of VII class at Junior High School Pertiwi I Padang under the Completeness Minimum Criteria (KKM) is the lack of understanding of mathematical concepts. To solve this problem, one the efforts that can be done is by implement Active Learning Study Strategies Questions Students Have. By using this Strategy, the students are trained to be more active in learning, more brave asking for the material that is not understood and able to think for completions of a given problem in the group, so the students expect to understand the mathematical concept of the material studied better. The purpose of this study  was to determine the developmant of students’ understanding of mathematical concepts for applying active learning strategies questions students have types and to know the student’s understanding of mathematical consepts of class VII of Junior High School Pertiwi I Padang that us active learning strategies questions students have types is better that using conventional learning. The type of this research is experimental research. The population is VII class of Junior High School  pertiwi I Padang in academic year of 2012/2013 which consists of five classes. The sampel was taken by using a random sampling technique and VII4classwas elected as the experimental class and VII3class as control class. To determind the hypothesis was used t-test formula. After data processing was done, the data obtained was t=1,79 and t-table= 1,67 at the 95% level confidence, so t-test > t-table. Thus the hypotesis is accepted the student’s understanding of mathematical concepts active learning strategy types of questions students have  better than undertanding of the mathemaical concepts that students applying conventional learning of VII class of Junior High School Pertiwi I Padang.  

Key words :Questions Students have, Mathematical Concept


